ASIA: Failed Criminal Justice Institutions & its Impact On Human rights in the Region

The Asian Legal Resource Centre along with its partners wishes to inform you about the Parallel Event that will be organised at Palais des Nations, coiciding with the 31st UN Human Rights Coincil. A detailed paper about the event is available here.

Parallel Event: UN Human Rights Council 31st Session

ASIA: Failed Criminal Justice Institutions & its Impact On Human rights in the Region

Date: Monday, 7 March 2016
Time: 16:00 to 17:30
Venue: Room XXI, Palais des Nations


1. Mr. Basil Fernando, Director, Programmes and Policies, ALRC, & Right Livelihood Laureate 2014;
2. Mr. Gerald Staberock, Secretary General, OMCT;
3. Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, Secretary, Odhikar, H.R. Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh;
4. Dr. Sergei Golubok, Human Rights Lawyer, Russia.

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), in collaboration with CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), Bread for the World: Protestant Development Service, and the Right Livelihood Award Foundation invites you to a parallel event on ASIA: Failed criminal justice institutions and its impact on human rights in the region.

Universal human rights norms and state obligations to protect and promote human rights are unachievable without suitably functioning domestic justice institutions. This is because only proper justice frameworks can breathe life into human rights guarantees.

The police, prosecution, and the judiciary are vital tools in human rights work. These institutions form the central architecture of the machinery, tasked with two important and inseparable roles: creating deterrence to human rights violations, and prescribing and providing remedies when violations occur.

Unfortunately, in the Asian context, most states use the police, prosecution, and judiciary to restrict or violate human rights. Asian states maintain these three vital institutions as pliable instruments that they can use to limit freedom and deny dignity to their own people with impunity.

This event will discuss substantively the reasons for the prevailing appalling situation of Asian justice institutions and human rights and the real challenges to achieving protection from human rights abuses.

Moderator: Mr. Bijo Francis, Executive Director, Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong.
Welcome Address: Mr. Sharan Srinivas, Director, Research & Advocacy, Right Livelihood Award Foundation

For event details please contact:
Mr. Md. Ashrafuzzaman

About Admin

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) works towards the radical rethinking & fundamental redesigning of justice institutions in Asia, to ensure relief and redress for victims of human rights violations, as per Common Article 2 of the International Conventions. Sister organisation to the Asian Human Rights Commission, the ALRC is based in Hong Kong & holds general consultative status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations.

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