ASIA: Democratic Governance Equipped with the Rule of Law Required for Ending Arbitrary Deprivation of Life

An Oral Statement to the 50th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council from the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Mr. President The Special Rapporteur’s report on “Medico-legal death investigations” has comprehensively covered the highly necessary aspects regarding medico-legal investigation into deaths involving extrajudicial or summary executions. The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) is not surprised that in the report’s ‘Best Practices’ component there is no reference to the Asian states. The ALRC’s experience suggests medico-legal investigation and forensic examination as an integral part of the criminal justice mechanisms is not made a priority in the region. The policy of keeping a bad-governance coupled with dysfunctional justice mechanisms to […]

ASIA: Victims and Litigants Suffer in Absence of Independent Judiciary and Legal Profession

An Oral Statement to the 50th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council from the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Mr. President The Special Rapporteur’s report has substantively covered the aspects regarding the protection of the lawyers against undue interference and independent exercise of the legal profession. Echoing the Special Rapporteur the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) reiterates that many States in Asia are disempowering the Judiciary for enjoying authoritarian powers. The notion of separation of power is neither promoted nor respected in most of the countries. Judiciary suffers systematic setbacks as the Executive Branch of the State: i) controls the recruitment of judicial officers on political loyalty; ii) […]

BANGLADESH: Victims of Gross Human Rights Abuses are Defenceless in Absence of Judicial Independence

A Written Submission to the 50th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) wants to update the Human Rights Council of the United Nations about the situation of Bangladesh’s human rights in relation to the mandate of independence of judges and lawyers. The situation of the judicial independence[1] of Bangladesh has been widely discussed[2] in the Written Statements[3] and Oral Interventions[4] that the ALRC keeps submitting since the inception of the Council. At the 50th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council the ALRC reiterates that the people suffer in the absence of judicial independence in […]

INDONESIA: State Curbs Freedom of Expression amidst Non-stop Human Rights Violations in Papua

A Written Submission to the 50th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) strongly condemns all forms of police brutality against demonstrators who refused the New Autonomous Province (DOB) in Papua Island on 10 May 2022. Based on the monitoring and information we received, there were several actions of brutality such as forced dispersal, beatings, pursuits, shootings, and arbitrary arrests. A number of violence and human rights violations occurred in various areas such as Abepura and Heram. The objection of the new autonomous province voiced by the Papuan people is a legitimate and constitutional expression as regulated […]

WORLD: International Conversations Needed for Removing Gaps Between UN Experts’ Recommendations and Monitoring of Actual Implementation for Protecting Human Rights

A Written Submission to the 50th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) has for over 40 years carefully studied, documented and reflected upon the actual possibilities for protection of human rights in many countries of Asia, in particular South Asia and South East Asia. It is our observation that while the knowledge about human rights and some extent the improvement of ratification of the UN conventions and also in cooperation of provisions for protection of human rights in domestic legislations have improved in many of the countries at a practical level, the possibilities of realization […]