Oral Statements – 61st Session of the CHR – 2005

Oral Statements – 61st Session of the CHR – 2005 Oral Statements – 61st Session of the CHR – 2005   ITEM 9 : Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world: Human rights violations in Nepal [Word Format] ITEM 10: Economic, social and cultural rights: Starvation in West Bengal, India [Word Format] ITEM 11: Civil and political rights: The lack of implementation of international conventions, Sri Lanka[Word Format] ITEM 16: Report of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Proposal by Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights for appointment of two Special Rapporteurs to Study Discrimination based […]

61st Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights – 2005

Written  Statements    Item 6: Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination 1. Caste-based Discrimination in India | [Word Format]  E/CN.4/2005/NGO/56  [PDF Format] 2. Hunger in Asia [Word Format]E/CN.4/2005/NGO/57 [PDF Format] 3. Right to food in India [Word Format]  E/CN.4/2005/NGO/59  [ PDF Format] 4. Hunger and un-rule of law in Myanmar [Word Format]   E/CN.4/2005/NGO/58   [PDF Format] 5. Forcible take-over of land in Sri Lanka [Word Format] E/CN.4/2005/NGO/110  [PDF Format] 6. Right to food in Thailand [Word Format]  E/CN.4/2005/NGO/60  [PDF Format] Item 11: Civil and political rights 11(a) Torture and detention 7. Torture in Bangladesh [Word Format] E/CN.4/2005/NGO/32  [PDF Format] 8. Growth of torture and impunity in Thailand [Word Format]  E/CN.4/2005/NGO/62 [ PDF Format] […]