Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong SAR

Item 14(a) : ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS: MIGRANT WORKERS 22. Foreign Domestic Workers’ (FDW) Situation in Hong Kong SAR Link to UNCHR COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Fifty-eighth- session Item 14(a) of the Provisional Agenda ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), A non-governmental organization with general consultative status Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong SAR 1. In spite of numerous legal safeguards, the 200,000-plus Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs) in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China suffer many violations of their human rights. 2. As the economy of Hong Kong boomed in the mid-1970s, near full […]

Right of Abode in Hong Kong SAR

Item 10 : ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS 7. Right of Abode in Hong Kong SAR Link to UNCHR COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Fifty-eighth Session Item 10 of the Provisional Agenda ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), A non-governmental organisation with general consultative status Right of abode in Hong Kong SAR 1. Article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) states in article 10(1) that “the widest possible protection and assistance should be accorded to the family, which is the natural and fundamental group unit of society”. 2. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s […]

Harassment of sex workers in Hong Kong SAR

Item 11(d): CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS THE QUESTION OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY, ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, IMPUNITY Harassment of sex workers in Hong Kong SAR (E/CN.4/2001/NGO/69) Link to UNCHR (E/CN.4/2001/NGO/69) COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Fifty-seventh Session Item 11(d) of the Provisional Agenda CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS THE QUESTION OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY, ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, IMPUNITY Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre a non-governmental organization with general consultative status Harassment of sex workers in Hong Kong SAR 1. In Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China, sex work is not technically illegal and existing laws claim to stop exploitation and control […]

Freedom of assembly, the Public Order Ordinance and academic freedom in Hong Kong SAR

Item 11(c): CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS THE QUESTION OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Freedom of assembly, the Public Order Ordinance and academic freedom in Hong Kong SAR (E/CN.4/2001/NGO/67) Link to UNCHR (E/CN.4/2001/NGO/67) COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Fifty-seventh Session Item 11(c) of the Provisional Agenda CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS THE QUESTION OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre a non-governmental organization with general consultative status Freedom of assembly, the Public Order Ordinance and academic freedom in Hong Kong SAR 1. On August 15, 2000, five university students in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong SAR) of the People’s Republic of China were arrested under the […]