Meryam Dabhoiwala, Human Rights School desk, Asian Human Rights Commission There is a lot of talk these days about the Indian police force, and much literature attesting to the corruption […]
Month: October 2003
Tension between judicial independence and judicial accountability
Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy, Former UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Since the early eighties, international non-governmental organisations of jurists have been involved in standard setting […]
Genocide in Gujarat: Destruction without relief
Concerned Citizens Tribunal – Gujarat 2002 Destruction Extensive evidence recorded by the Tribunal points to the devastating loss of property by the Muslim community in the state. Relying on detailed […]
Broken-down prosecutors, thrown-out victims
Bijo Francis, Advocate, Kerala, India The acquittal of the accused in the ‘Best Bakery case’ arising out of the Gujarat massacre epitomises the decline of the Indian judicial system. Recently […]
A note on the law of contempt, with reference to the case of Michael Anthony Fernando
Justice H Suresh, Bombay High Court (retired), India The concept The source of the law of contempt is the Common Law concept of the English Courts and their decisions. Its […]