Burma Desk, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong Police stations around Burma have a sign at their gates saying, “May I help you”, but for most citizens the hope is […]
Month: March 2009
Complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee
Sandamali Pathmini, wife of Sugath Fernando, Negombo, Sri Lanka Individual complaint (by representation) under the First Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 6 February 2009 […]
How police in Pakistan purchased a man’s penis
Pakistan Desk, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong In 2007 a young cook from Larkan distict, Sindh province was arbitrarily arrested, kept in custody for three days and brutally beaten. […]
Submissions on Sri Lanka to the 10th session of the UN Human Rights Council
Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong Prevention of impunity requires clear leadership from the government February 25, 2009, ALRC-CWS-10-10-2009 The Asian Legal Resource Centre welcomes the statement made by 10 […]
The milking cow that is law enforcement in the Philippines
Philippines Desk, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong Although it is the duty of investigating officers and prosecutors to ensure that grounds exist upon which to charge someone with a […]
Policing in Negombo
Basil Fernando, Director, Asian Human Rights Commission & Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong The key events in the case of Sugath Nishanta Fernando and his family, as narrated to […]
Documents on the case of Sugath Fernando
1. Unheeded requests from the Fernando family for state protection An Affidavit [unofficial translation] I, Siyaguna Kosgodage Anton Sugath Nishantha Fernando, of 349/2A Jayamawatha Road, Dalupata, Negombo, being a Catholic, […]
The price of fighting the state in Sri Lank
Julianne Porter, Journalist, Hong Kong In September 2008 Sugath Nishanta Fernando was shot dead while sitting in his lorry with his 12-year old son. His murder wasn’t entirely out of […]
Disconnected policing and the justice trade in Bangladesh: The case of Abdur Razzak
Bangladesh Desk, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong Although people across Bangladesh know very well that the country’s justice system is actually a marketplace where police and court staff sell […]
Introduction: Use of police powers of arrest and detention for profit in Asia
Basil Fernando, Director, Asian Human Rights Commission & Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong This edition of article 2 (‘Use of police powers for profit’, vol. 8, no. 1) deals […]