Tom Bingham (rule of law: Lord Bingham’s Eight Principles) summed up the basic aspects of the rule of law (ROL). They are: 1. The law must be accessible and so […]
Month: March 2015
Bangladesh: The people do not trust the judiciary
Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Asian Legal Resource Centre; Abu Sufian, Online Bangla Dot Net; Adilur Khan, Odhikar 1. Are all persons and authorities bound by the same laws? No. Constitutionally, the President […]
India: Prosecutorial division is one of the most corrupt
T. K Naveenachandran, Nervazhi; Bidyut Mohanty, SPREAD; Bijo Francis, Dr. Rajat Mitra, Shiv Karan Singh and Avinash Pandey, all from A LRC 1. Are all persons and authorities bound by […]
Indonesia: The investigation is based on confession
Answer Styannes, ALRC; Febi Yonesta, Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta); Deddi Alparesi, LBH Padang 1. Are all persons and authorities bound by the same laws? […]
Pakistan: Laws are discriminatory to women, religious minorities
Baseer Naveed, ALRC; Bushra Khaliq, Women in Struggle for Empowerment (WISE); Zulfiqar Shah, Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research 1. Are all persons and authorities bound by the same […]
Nepal: The poor, marginalized and Dalits hardly benefit from laws
Prakash Mohara, ALRC; Rem Bahadur Biswokarma, Jagaran Media Center 1. Are all persons and authorities bound by the same laws? As per law, no one is above the law, as […]